Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lesson 8/March 2015

1.  I went into the advanced search, did keyword Martin Luther, keyword 'not' King.  I also limited it to juvenile and biography.  It's so nice to be able to limit your searches, many sites can't do this so you spend hours searching for what it is you really want.  I chose the book called Martin Luther by Harry Emerson Fosdick. Not so much for the content of the book, but it was hard to find books about Martin Luther in South Dakota and Mitchell owned this title. 

2.  I found it easier to use graphic novel as the first search and classic novel and the second.  I chose Tom Sawyer by Tim Mucci, published by Sterling, New York, 2008. 

3.  After a few false starts I figured out how to do this one.  Pretty simple actually.  Searched the title phrase My Fair Lady and chose musical scores for the type of material.  USD and NSU both have the vocal score.  The Accession number is 26429906.

1 comment:

  1. Good work here, Toni! Hope we led you to some new ways to search WorldCat. You would have satisfied customers with these answers.
